Frame Update (June 15)
Greetings Frame community! A few small reminders before the updates: we recently launched the Frame Nexus, a collection of bite-size learning videos about Frame, and the Frame Discord, a great place to go for support, ideas, and a growing community of people interested in the intersection of immersive technology and collaboration.
Okay - on to the updates. Many of these were suggested by the user community and we're happy to deliver:
Avatar Cam Mode: We know people like the new Streaming Screens in Frame, but we wanted to make it even easier to quickly share your webcam and get it in view of the people you're chatting with. In the sidebar, you'll see a new "Avatar Cam" mode you can turn on, and doing so will automatically attach a view from your webcam right next to your avatar. It will move around with you as well, so you don't need to worry about dragging it around!
Upload Your Own 3D Models: In addition to using the Sketchfab Importer for 3D models, you can now upload 3D models directly from your computer. Check out this video for a quick tutorial. We also bumped the 3D model limit in your Frame from 4 to 10. This significantly increases the number of 3D dogs you can have in your Frame - we expect you to take full advantage.

Set Default Mic Value for your Frames: By default, microphones are on automatically when people connect to your Frames. We know this can be troublesome when people join and they are in a noisy place. In your Frame settings, you can now set the default mic status to "Off". To make it easier to see if your mic status, we also added a small icon in the top right of the screen. Reminder - you can also mute users manually in the Online User menu.
Add Links to 3D Models: In addition to adding links to images, you can now add links to 3D models. This is a cool feature, but we recommend using it sparingly. It can be easy to accidentally click large models in Frame, for example. On the topic of links - we've also introduced a new link type in addition to "Web Link" and "Scene Link". We're calling it "Frame Link", and it's our first step towards creating a powerful way for you to link Frames to each other, forming a web of interconnected virtual spaces. For now, it simply lets you drop in a link to another Frame and when clicked, will send people directly to that Frame in the same tab instead of opening it up in a separate tab.
Other Odds and Ends: Sometimes it can be hard to delete an asset that you've accidentally dragged behind a wall. We know we have some work to do to make it easier to attach stuff to walls - we're on the case. In the meantime, though, if this happens, you can now go to your Frame settings to see a list of all assets in your Frame, and you can delete assets right from that list. This feature was the first contribution from new Frame team mate Harkirat Singh. He's already doing more great work on a feature we know you're going to love hearing about (hint, hint!). We've also made the Online User Menu scrollable for those that are experimenting with large-scale meetings in Frame. Finally, you can also delete individual text messages from the text chat.
Also worth checking out is a blog post authored by a member of the Frame community. We welcome guest posts to our blog in case you'd like to publish something you think would be relevant to the Frame community.
We're here to help if you have any questions or thoughts,
The Frame Team
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